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Auslan Signs


I love to communicate and use many methods to do so. I often express my feelings through behaviour, so please try to interpret this before assuming that I am just being naughty.


My receptive language is very good but I can't always follow everything or understand why something has changed in my schedule. It is best to inform me directly and explain any changes to me. Visual representation can also help me to understand more complex concepts and I can use it too in communicating back to you.






I use Auslan sign language, some speech, expression and gesture to express my feelings, needs and wants. I like to comment about the world around me but need more tools to do this better.  This is why I am also learning to use an app called Speak for yourself which is based around core words.

What I need you to do is model these for me. So when I am using natural gestures or mimic noise, you should say what it is I was trying to express using core word phrases. During set activities, also use the AAC Speak for yourself in the same manner.


This is my
communication journey.
The more I can  communicate,
the better I can learn.
The more I can communicate, the better I can participate
in my community and engage with my friends.

Tasman District School - Our Friend Tom


Please use this site as a resource about core words, about the things I love to do, and do visit again to see the progress I am making.

If you have photos or videos that can be added to our blog please let Mum know.

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